“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” - John Muir
Spirit Connect has teamed with Wildlings at their exclusive nature space in Dempsey to bring you the
Into the Wild, a connecting to nature and sound healing series for adults.
Our sessions are outdoors amongst the healing frequencies of nature, our sessions include:
weekly nature sound mediations, monthly full moon rituals, new moon rituals and workshops.
Yin Yang Couples Sessions with Wil Kohen Soul Oasis
Eat, Create, Meditate Sessions with Pia Lopez & Lexie Rodriguez
Nature Sound Meditations
Reconnect to your inner Zen with sound mediations and ritual to de-stress, relax and release in the natural setting of Wildlings at night.
Thursday's 7.30PM (see below)
Next available session 6th May 2021
“Since Libby’s guided outdoor meditation, I look at the trees differently. I already had a connection with nature but this elevated it to the next level - it made me realise just how therapeutic and restorative it can be. The session enriched me in a way that will benefit my life always.”
L.M - Singapore
Full Moon Ritual and Cacao Ceremony
For thousands of years cultures have connected with the moon's cycles to consciously work with her subtle energies. Through ritual, sound and fire we honour this process and each full moon we work with the current energies that are illuminated, to acknowledge, accept and release.
Join us outside with Mother Nature, a fire and ritual each month at Wildlings Dempsey
Next full moon ritual: 26th May 2021(book here)
*New Moon & Full Moon book together and receive $20 discount (contact us here)
$120 per person
7.30pm - 10.30pm (see below)
"Libby’s Into the Wild sound bowl meditations have been my haven and holiday during these travel
restricted times. Both the Thursday and Full Moon sessions have allowed me to ground, reconnect and align
myself with what truly matters and I have been able to manifest personal and work goals beyond my wishes.
I’m grateful for her sessions and highly recommend it."
MJ Singapore
"It is hard to capture the feelings in my heart, in a way that would do it justice. Suffice it to say that my heart
is full, soul uplifted. Tonight was such beautiful medicine. Thank you Libby for all the energy and love that was
no doubt infused into the space and thank you to all the beautiful souls in the circle for your loving support."
Roisin, Singapore
New Moon Mini Ritual
For thousands of years cultures have connected with the moon's cycles to consciously
work with her subtle energies.
The energies of the new moon invite us to get in touch with who we would like to be
and what we would like to manifest in our lives.
We connect with these energies go within during a guided meditation and sacred sound bath
to plant these seeds of intention for the next lunar cycle.
Next New Moon ritual: Wednesday12th May 2021 (book here)
$50 per person (see below)
Yin Yang Sound Journey
for Couples
Join sounds therapists, Wil Kolen (Soul Oasis) and Libby Cattalini (Spirit Connect) for a Yin Yang Balancing Sound Journey to honour and respect the qualities of Yin and Yang as we connect to our feminine and masculine presence, both as an individual and a couple.
Stage two session: Wednesday 24th March 7.30- 10.00pm
*Please note you are required to complete stage one session prior to stage two. * SOLD OUT *
Next session stage one session TBA March/April Register your interest here
$200 per couple
"We had the most beautiful evening during this Ying Yang couples session. Situated at Wildlings, Dempsey we sat under a clear night sky, an owl hooting in the jungle canopy above. It was small and intimate with just 4 couples seated on mats around the centre of sound instruments: crystal bowls, a gong, drums and chimes. During the session we were treated to sound healing by the amazingly talented Libby Cattalini and Wil Kolen, who played their instruments as they moved among us. I particularly enjoyed the singing which sounded as if it came from an ancient time when people were connected to the earth in a daily practice. The session included writing and burning our intentions for the journey of our relationship. Afterwards we experienced a profound shift as our connection deepened with so much attention being brought to it in this ritual."
Name withheld. Participant from Part 1 Session.
Eat, Create, Meditate (Spring Edition) at Trehaus
Join us for an afternoon with friends, food, flowers and frequency.
Take a journey with Chef-P Lo to discover healing foods for sharing
Create a floral wand for healing & cleansing with Lexie Rodriguez
Bliss out with a relaxing sound meditation with Libby Cattalini
Saturday 29th May 2021
Trehaus at Funan Mall
$186.50 (see below)

Individual Sessions
In this powerful one hour session we connect to the subtle energies of sound and spirit through one or a mixture of modalities including Shamanic practise, Reiki, sound therapy - gong, tuning forks /Tibetan and crystal sound bowls , Shamanic drum and guided healing mediation.
Often clients fall into a deep state of relaxation whilst the processes are taking place.
$150 a session